Games bring magic into the classroom. LISA LEarning
Picture of Ardita


Games bring magic into the classroom.

Whether you teach young children, teenagers, or adults, you will notice that the moment of the lesson when you integrate games are the most hectic ones. All are indulged into learning and they want more and more activities like that

During everyone’s teaching experience, what has always been and still is a favorite part of the lesson, are the warm-ups.

Whether you teach young children, teenagers, or adults, you will notice that the moment of the lesson when you integrate games are the most hectic ones. All are indulged into learning and they want more and more activities like that.

Why? What is the reason for that?

This is the time when the students feel free to express themselves, get out of that corner they feel comfortable and become independent, cooperative, and interact with others. That is because games are magic!

The moment they are included in a game, they forget mistakes, they overcome their shyness and they are present in the lesson using the language, Interacting and advancing with the language

– admits one of the expert teachers in

The following are some of the many suggested games we can present to get your students to use the language.

Board race

Is a game that includes the students to revise vocabulary and can be integrated either during the beginning of the lesson to diagnose their level of certain vocabulary or in the end to revise the vocabulary learned during the lesson. It is a game that can be used at all levels.


Divide the class into groups. It is up to you as a teacher depending on the number of students in your class. Divide the board into sections according to the number of the groups and write a topic above. Give a marker to the first student who stays in the line of his /her group. In turns, they come to write as many words as possible.

The winning team is the one that has written the most correct words.

Make the longest words

Is another interesting game that will keep your students busy. Write a word down vertically on the board. Split the class into groups and ask them to write the longest word with each letter of the vertical word. This is suitable for all levels and your class will be lively when used.






Give one point for the word and one point for the group which has written the longest word.


Is the most popular game within the classrooms that is suitable for the beginner levels who are in their first steps at learning vocabulary. This helps the students with their spelling as well.


Write the first letter of a word and put lines for the other letters so that the other students will find it.

W_ _ _ _ _(window). Draw the hangman according to the numbers below for every mistake until you hang the man. Or not if they find the word.

Word jumble race

Is the game that instills the spirit of competition and cooperation in the classroom. This game is for teamwork to practice grammar, word order, spelling as well. It is suitable for all levels and ages.


Write some sets of sentences in different colors and cut them into separate words. Each set must be put in a sort of container like a box, cups, or whatever. Give them to each team to solve. The winning team is the one that orders the sentences correctly.


So to conclude with the idea, not the number of games because they are a lot, games do really bring magic in the classroom as long as the students are engaged in an entertaining way and leave the classroom with something acquired in an entertaining way.

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Picture of Ardita


Mrs. Ardita Bazelli graduated with a degree in English from the Fan Noli University in Korce, in 2004. She is currently teaching English at Preca International College. Mrs. Bazelli has been a consistent partner and co-founder in national and international eTwinning projects in Albanian and European schools for improving technological access to education. In 2019, she guided her students aged 12-15 to win nationally recognized projects. For the last ten years, she has been teaching at the LSIA Korce branch, where she is currently helping young students learn English.